The voice in your head says, "You can not do this, you are not ready" -
and you believe it. Everything positive that should be brought to the forefront of your
mind vanishes into thin air. Negative thoughts creep into your head and take over. Was
it just a cruel coincidence? Did the wind turn against him at the wrong moment
yet again? Or did he just buckle under pressure? Did he choke?Now take a moment
to consider how Harada must have felt as he prepared to take his second jump.
The Japanese team were already in the lead as Harada prepared to take his first
jump. His business "Zoned in Performance" is a sports consultancy, specialising in High Performance Coaching
and Performance Psychology for athletes, sports coaches, sports teams, and other sports professionals.To learn more
about 'Mental Toughness" to achieve winning results, sign up free for "The Winning Edge-The 7
Keys to Playing the Game of tn requin Life. Since his disappointing performance in 1994, he had
gone on to win numerous world cup events and a world championship so there was
no doubt he was a class act. That jump belonged to Masahiko Harada, affectionately known
as 'Happy Harada' due to his infectious grin. He managed a pitiful 79.5 metres and
the team dropped from first to fifth place. What was it that allowed Funaki to
hold his nerve when the pressure was on? What was it that prevented Harada from
choking once more under increasing pressure? The answers lie in MENTAL SKILLS TRAINING and the
power of positive self-talk - or did the wind just go their way?Want to learn
More About Donald MacNaughton? www.SportsPsychology2.comHis work spans leadership and performance development in both the
sporting and corporate arenas. He cleared 97.5 metres - the worst jump of the entire
event - and Germany won gold."In the past, a well-raised Japanese would Tn Requin have to commit
hari-kari after such a mistake. The fact that you are ready and you can do
it gets railroaded into oblivion by the power of negative thinking and the negative thoughts
manifest themselves into negative actions - a poor performance.Four years later, Harada was back on
the Olympic stage in the 1998 winter games in Nagano. Perhaps it is the sheer
scale of the event that creates unbearable pressure; the weight of expectation; the knowledge that
an entire nation of supporters are counting on them to bring home a medal.Whatever the
catalyst, choking describes the moment that self-doubt kicks in. To register interest e-mail proven,
effective and inspirational coaching techniques, Don MacNaughton helps clients unlock potential, achieve lasting breakthroughs and
increase individual and team performance as a sports coach. In his previous jump, Harada had
cleared 122 metres and needed a jump of only 110 metres to secure the gold
medal for Japan. Was history about to repeat itself? The teams chances of winning a
medal depended on his next jump - could he do it? Ask yourself: could you
do it?He sped down the ramp and landed a massive 137 metre jump putting the
team into a virtually unbeatable lead.Team mate Kazuyoshi Funaki took the final jump and cleared
125 metres to secure the gold medal for the Japanese team. Today nobody expects that
of us" - Masahiko HaradaSo what happened? Did the wind change at a crucial moment;
was it just a bad jump; or did the pressure get to him? Did he
choke?Many top class athletes with proven ability and countless winning performances behind them have choked
when it really mattered - at the Olympics. In the 1994 Lillehammer winter Olympics, the
Japanese 120 metre ski jump team had a convincing lead in the final event with
only one jump remaining. Find out more at Sports Motivation Coaching Guide.
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